The dpa Picture Alliance GmbH is a subsidiary of the dpa Deutsche Presse Agentur and thus one of Germany’s leading news agencies. Which pictures of current conflicts are “newsworthy” and distributed by the picture agencies? Where do we encounter repetition, familiar iconographies and stereotypes? Which pictorial icons mark our understanding of the many wars and crises of our time? The selection shown here was compiled from a few of the following search terms: Abu Ghraib, Afghanistan, Al Qaida, Arab Spring, Aylan Kurdi, Balkan route, Bataclan, Boko Haram, Charlie Hebdo, Civil War, Donetsk, Drug War, Eastern Ukraine, Erdogan, FARC, Frontex, Gaza, Ghaddafi, Guantánamo, Iraq War, ISIS, Israel, Korengal, Lampedusa, Lebanese War, Libya, Middle East Conflict, Military Coup, Mossul, Nairobi, North Korea, Osama bin Laden, Palestine, Palmyra, Poison Gas, PKK, Refugee Crisis, Rojava, Saddam Hussein, September 11th, Suicide Bomber, Syria, Tahrir Square, Taliban, Terrorist Attack, Tunisia, Utoya, World Trade Center, Yemen…
We thank the dpa Picture-Alliance for their friendly support.